Cavolo Nero with Pancetta: A Deliciously Hearty Recipe

Ah, Cavolo Nero. The elegant cousin of kale, the leafy green that whispers sweet nothings of nutrition while simultaneously making us feel slightly fancy at dinner parties. And then there’s pancetta - Italian. Cured. Bacon. Need I say more?

When these two culinary souls collide, you’re not just left with a dish; you’ve found a gastronomic romance for the ages. Let’s dive into the delectable world of Cavolo Nero with Pancetta, where the flavours clash, dance, and ultimately fall in love.
The Art of Flirting with Greens: Cavolo Nero, also known as black cabbage or Tuscan kale, isn’t just any leafy green vegetable. This leafy charmer has been winking from the produce aisle, with its dark, crinkly leaves beckoning us to go beyond our usual romaine and iceberg lettuce. It’s like that enigmatic person at the back of the room who seems to have a million secrets.
Sure, you could just steam it and slap it on your plate like a sad, health-conscious afterthought - but please! That’s like inviting a celebrity to a costume party and dressing them in a potato sack. Instead, let’s treat Cavolo Nero as it deserves to be treated: with a sizzling side of good ol’ Pancetta!

Pancetta: The Heartthrob of Italian Cuisine: Enter pancetta, playing the seducer in this flavourful tango. This Italian delight brings a smoky richness that pairs perfectly with the slightly bitter notes of Cavolo Nero. When these two meet in a pan, you might think some sort of cooking magic is happening, or perhaps a minor miracle. The fancy green wilts under the heat, while the fat from the Pancetta renders out, creating a delightful, savory embrace. In this relationship, everyone wins!
Cooking Up Romance: Now, let’s get to the main thing you’re here for: how to make this glorious dish without burning down your kitchen or running afoul of the fire department. Here’s a simple, yet utterly romantic recipe to charm your taste buds.
The Aftermath: Enjoy the Romance: Sit back, take a forkful of this delightful creation, and savour the flavours dancing together in your mouth. The Cavolo Nero and Pancetta connection is proof that sometimes, the most surprising pairings create the most beautiful symphonies. Or at least, the most delicious dinners.

Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 10 mins
Serves: 4

1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, sliced
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 red chilli, cored, deseeded and diced
125g pancetta, diced
1 head of cavolo nero
75ml chicken stock
75g Parmesan cheese, coarsley grated
salt and black pepper

1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan, add the onion, garlic, chilli and pancetta and sauté for 5 minutes or until soft.

2. To prepare the cavolo, trim away any wilting leaves, then cut the heads in half lengthways. Remove and discard the hard central stem and roughly chop the leaves.

3. Add the cavolo nero to the onion mixture and stir well. Pour in the stock and season with salt and pepper. Cook for 4 minutes over a moderate heat, stirring constantly.

4. Finally, add the grated Parmesan and serve at once.